


Participation requirements

  1. 臺灣大專院校教職員生

Faculty and students of college level or higher in Taiwan are all welcome.

  1. 本校海外姊妹校教職員生

Faculty and students from our partner schools around the world are all


  1. 台灣各醫療院所醫師、放射師

Physicians and radiologists in Taiwan medical institutions are all Welcome

拍攝主題 theme:

  1. 人物 Person
  2. 風景 Scenery
  3. 放射線相關之內容 Radiology-related
  4. 台灣相關之內容 Taiwan-related


Event schedule

  1. 繳件日期:2023年8月20日(上午9:00)至2023年10月18日(下午15:00)。

Submission deadline: October 18th (Wed), 2023 at 15:00pm.

  1. 公告得獎作品:2023年10月30日

List of winners to be announced on October 30th(Mon), 2023.

  1. 頒獎典禮:2023年11月8日下午 14:00

The award ceremony will be held on November 8th(Wed), 2023 at14:00pm

  1. 得獎作品展覽:2023年11月8日至11月30日;展覽地點為元培醫事科技大學光宇藝術中心。

Exhibition of works Guangyu Art Center to be held from November 8th (Wed) to November 30th (Thu), 2023.


Entry and submission

  1. 填寫google表單進行報名,上傳作品及授權同意書。

To participate, please register via the google document as shown in the webpage. Complete an authorization statement and submit it along with your work online.


Awards : Prize and certificate

  1. 金牌獎取1名,獎金新臺幣6,500元與獎狀一紙

Gold prize - one person gets NT$6,500 or an equivalent prize and a certificate of award.

  1. 銀牌獎取3名,獎金新臺幣4,500元與獎狀一紙

Silver prize - each person gets NT$4,500 or an equivalent prize and a certificate of award.

  1. 銅牌獎取5名,獎金新臺幣3,500元與獎狀一紙

Bronze prize - each person gets NT$3,500 or an equivalent prize and a certificate of award.

  1. 優等獎取7名,獎金新臺幣2,000元與獎狀一紙

Outstanding prize - each person gets NT$2,000 or an equivalent prize and a certificate of award.

    • 獲獎者為台灣人將邀請參加現場頒獎典禮,若無法到場之得獎者以Email寄送電子獎狀

If the winners are from Taiwan, they will be invited to participate in the award ceremony. If the winners cannot be present, they will send electronic certificates by email

    • 若獲獎同學為海外人士,將以Email寄送電子獎狀,獎金將以當日美金匯率換算並扣除所得稅、匯差及手續費後匯出。

If the award-winning students are overseas, an electronic certificate will be sent by email, and the prize money will be converted from the US dollar exchange rate on the day and remitted after deducting income tax, exchange difference and handling fees.

    • 評審可決定獎項從缺或不足額錄取。

Judges may, in their professional opinion, decide that a prize shall not be given or that there were insufficient qualified entries.

    • 得獎作品將會印製展覽。

Exhibition of award winning works will be held between November 8th, 2023 to November 30th, 2023.


Contact information


Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs


Ms. Jean Pan

Contact information

Email: jeanpan@mail.ypu.edu.tw


Contact information

Ms. Jean Pan
