


International Day of Radiology (IDoR) 2023 Photo Contest


About the International Day of Radiology (IDoR) 

威廉·康拉德·倫琴 (Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen) 於 1895 年11月8日發現 X 射線。此後,每年的 11 月 8 日被訂為國際放射日。國際放射日主要的目的在提高大眾對放射科醫生和放射技師在醫療保健體系中所扮演的重要角色。在這一天,世界各地的醫學影像/放射學會、放射學專業學會、放射技師學會和相關科學學會都會安排相關的慶祝活動。

The International Day of Radiology is celebrated each year on November 8, the day that Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered the existence of x-rays in 1895. The aim of IDoR is to build greater awareness of the value that radiology contributes to safe patient care, and improving public understanding of the vital role radiologists and radiographers play in the healthcare continuum. Many national medical imaging/radiological societies, radiological subspecialty societies, radiographers’ societies & allied sciences societies from throughout the world will arrange their own activities.


元培醫事科技大學(YUMT)為了慶祝2023年國際放射日(IDoR),除了與各學會共同舉辦線上放射座談會外,亦展開2023 年國際放射攝影日攝影比賽。

The Yuanpei University of Medical Technology (YUMT) is organizing a celebration dedicated to International day of Radiology (IDoR) 2023. In addition to holding the “International Symposium of Cardiac Imaging and Beyond: Celebrating the IDoR”, a photo contest is also one of the hot activities.

誠摯邀請您一同參與今年的 2023 年國際放射攝影日攝影比賽。

We need your participation for this year’s International Day of Radiology 2023 Photo Contest. This is your chance to achieve lasting fame and earn admiring glances from your colleagues.


A total of 16 winners will be chosen.The artworks, each have the winner’s name printed on them, and it’s a great opportunity to inform visitors and patients about our radiology/ medical imaging profession and the role of radiological technologists/ radiographers/ radiologists. The radiological technologists/ radiographers/ radiologists of the chosen photos receive a cash prize


So for 2023 we are asking you to submit your photo artworks and join us for‘celebrating and promoting the radiology/ medical imaging profession’.


  • 主辦單位 Organizer:

  • 協辦單位Co-organizer:


  • 贊助單位Sponsors :
